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play makAll work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dullCopyright 1984-1996 Claris Corporation and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. UNLISTED alisA alisA FPTH@ FaliA RPTH@ FPTHA alisA alisA alisA alisA HBAM3016AUG95@ share behind bungalow moors 3-legged behind bungalow moors 3-legged moors 3-legged 10000 10000 10000 adbrokeP 12500 lucasT 12500 united biscuitsc 15000G 15000 amstradk 15000 british 15000 hanson_ 15000 ladbroke^ 15000 lasmoQ 15000 lonrhoW 15000 smith newcourtH 1750S namibian miningS courtauldsO 20000L 20000 harison 20000 lasmoL 20000 lonrhoh 25000g 25000 amecn 25000 country 250138r 250138 prospectr ftsii 30000V 30000 british energym 30000 30000 trafalgar houseV barclaysY securitiesd 50000e 50000 signete 500000` 500000 formo` 7500J imperial tobaccoo d]dQ`Y`W 9/7/9998 Helvetica Geneva ACQUISITION MONTH CGT A CGT B CGT C CGT D CGT E CGT F CGT G CGT H CGT H AMOUNT CGT I LOSS CGT I PROFIT CGT J CGT K CGT L1 CGT L2 CGT L3 CGT M CGT N CGT O CLIENT NUMBER CONSTANT CREATION DATE DEFAULT DATE INDEXATION AMOUNT LAST MODIFIED LOSSES USED IN YEAR PRINTING SIGNAL G RELIEF DESCRIPTION SERIAL NUMBER START VALUE TEMP 1 START VALUE UMBER SERIAL NUMBER SERIAL NUMBER NUMBER L NUMBER IndexationB Net Gain or LossB Net Gain_LossB Estimate usedB Asset held 6 Apr 82B Further InformationB Cost _ 1982 valueB lgTHIS IS DEMONSTRATION SOFTWARE WHICH HAS NOT BEEN PAID FOR. VITAL REPORTS AND CALCULATIONS ARE DISABLED| 16/3/98 A Worksheet Front Page Printing Sheet Printout A WorksheetB CostH Indexation (max = gain)J AmountT 1982 value (if applicable)V#<< AFAAABACABAB>> << AFAAABACABAC>> Delete A Description of Asset Greater of cost or 1982 valueer 1982 valueor 1982 valuesses and taper J Enter if business asset K Taper Rate L1 Allowable losses of the year L2 Income losses set against gains L3 Unused losses b/f from earlier years M gains after losses N Tapered Gains O Further Information Page CG2B Helvetica Geneva (LIST LISTA VDEFA( (LIST LISTA VDEFA( (LIST VDEFA( Business AssetC Index Month FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA SORTA FMRLA SORTA CG Details to ClientsC Self JoinD C_Index reverseE CG Indexation OpeningF CG Indexation Closing CGT BB CGT HB Serial NumberB Client numberB CGT EB CGT FB Creation DateB Last ModifiedB CGT I ProfitI Profit CGT I Profitfit CGT I Profit Last ModifiedB CGT I Profit Creation DateB Last ModifiedB CGT I ProfitifiedB CGT IA Last ModifiedB CGT Ibefore indexationndexationndexationndexationindexation TOTAL I LOSS TO 8.1 TOTAL I PROFIT TO 8.1 TOTAL L1 TOTAL L2 PROFIT TO 8.5 TOTAL L3 PROFIT TO 8.6 TOTAL M TOTAL N TO 8.3 VALUE_1982 CGT AB CGT GB CostB Start valueB Cost _ 1982 valueB Front PageB gre001 sam001 ConstantB TimeB DateB Printing Signal GB CGT JB CGT L1B CGT L2B CGT L3B CGT MB CGT KB CGT NB CGT H amountB CGT I LossB Indexation amountB Goto Help Goto Index Print All Goto Front Page Goto Printing Sheet Goto CG Page 1 Startup Script Password A Goto Help Helvetica Geneva 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 Macintosh HD Clients.FP3 FMP3FMP3 Correspondence 3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD 0RPTH FPTHA0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 FaliA Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp.FP3 RPTHA TMHelp.FP3 17/8/99 /8/99 uary 98 10/7/99 35 pmk 3/1/99 0:59:34 pmk 3/1/99 :21:29 pmk 7/12/98 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Goto Index Helvetica Geneva 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 alisA Zip 100 TMHelp.FP3 3x!FMP3FMP3 Individual Return 0Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:TMHelp.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA /RPTH Fali Zip 100 Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA Index.FP3 RPTHA Index.FP3 alisA Zip 100 Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA A Print All Cancel Don't go any further unless you have selected all (and only) records for this individual - use the Find button on the printing sheetB Cancel Check that landscape format is selected. Print size will default to 80% but you may adjust if your printer needs a different settingC Cancel Don't forget to select 'records being browsed' RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 FPTHA/Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 FaliA Zip 100 Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA MSPCA NAMEA Index.FP3 RPTHA Index.FP3 alisA Zip 100 Index.FP3 J@6FMP3FMP3 Individual Return /Zip 100:Tax Manager:Individual Return:Index.FP3 .SC/IOMEGA 4RPTH MSPC FPTHA4Tax Software:Family Tax 99:Family Tax Files:Personal NAMEA Clients RPTHA Clients Goto Front Page Helvetica Geneva 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 ,RPTH FPTHA,Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):SA108_.USR MSPCA NAMEA SA108_.USR RPTHA SA108_.USR Macintosh HD SA108_.USR FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) ,Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):SA108_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD er 97 (SDK) ,Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):SA108_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD RPTHA Personal Tax Software Personal FMP3FFAM Family Tax Files 4Tax Software:Family Tax 99:Family Tax Files:Personal .iomegaDriverSCSI_0.5 v6.0.2 PrintoutB 29.25 -29.25[ 29.25 FindB IndexC QuitD CloseE HelpF PrintH,Enter Client Number (only in mode Please don t forget to specify the number of copies you want to print, and whether you want a blank copy as a working sheet or to show the data as a final copy A>The current record is for AFAAABACABAB>> << AFAAABACABAC>> K*You also need to print Page 1 of the SA108L Goto CG Page 1 Goto Printing Sheet Helvetica Geneva 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 alisislis Goto CG Page 1 Helvetica Geneva 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 alislis Startup Script 78456 i"THIS IS DEMONSTRATION SOFTWARE WHICH HAS NOT BEEN PAID FOR. VITAL REPORTS AND CALCULATIONS ARE DISABLED" gTHIS IS DEMONSTRATION SOFTWARE WHICH HAS NOT BEEN PAID FOR. VITAL REPORTS AND CALCULATIONS ARE DISABLEDC BLED" gTHIS IS DEMONSTRATION SOFTWARE WHICH HAS NOT BEEN PAID FOR. VITAL REPORTS AND CALCULATIONS ARE DISABLEDC "Hello" HelloF Cancel Your access to this database has been barred by the copyright owners. Please contact Ritz Software on 01689 860444 or eMail TaxManager@ritz.u-net.com FPTHA,Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):SA108_.USR MSPCA NAMEA SA108_.USR RPTHA SA108_.USR Macintosh HD SA108_.USR FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) ,Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):SA108_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp_.USR RPTHA TMHelp_.USR ,RPTH FindC IndexD QuitE CloseF HelpG DeleteI(Welcome to the Capital Gains detail pageKAfound by reference number (only type in modes !!) A>The current record is for AFAAABACABAB>> << AFAAABACABAC>> Printing SheetB Goto CG Page 1O*You also need to print Page 1 of the SA108 Printing SheetB %Indexation factor = << AFAAABAFABAC>> D Asset held 6 Apr 82 B Shares unquoted C Estimate used O Further Information N Tapered Gains Hax Manager Macintosh HD TMHelp_.USR 3x!FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR MSPCA NAMEA TMHelp_.USR RPTHA TMHelp_.USR Macintosh HD TMHelp_.USR 3x!FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):TMHelp_.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD +RPTH alis FPTHA+Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR MSPCA NAMEA Index.USR RPTHA Index.USR Macintosh HD C Index.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) +Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD +RPTH alis FPTHA+Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR MSPCA NAMEA Index.USR RPTHA Index.USR 3RPTH FPTHA3Macintosh HD:Tax Factory:Correspondence:Clients.FP3 MSPCA NAMEA Clients.FP3 RPTHA ::Correspondence:Clients.FP3 Macintosh HD C Index.USR J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 97 (SDK) +Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 97 (SDK):Index.USR David's Mac Macintosh HD David Macintosh HD 7RPTH FPTHA7Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:SA108P2_.USR MSPCA NAMEA SA108P2_.USR RPTHA SA108P2_.USR bry001 ry001 ry001 car001 client sam001V 23/5/99W 23/5/99c 8:46:59 pmk 23/5/99r 274 BOCB 2354.25 C 2321.44 D 2321.44281.29 D 281.29N LUC003S Dec 98V 10/7/99W 11/7/99c 10:42:04 amk 11/7/99n 69.89r Dec 98 274 BOCB 2354.25 C 2321.44 D 2321.44281.29 D 281.29N LUC003S Dec 98V 10/7/99W 11/7/99c 10:42:04 amk 11/7/99n 69.89r Dec 98 274 BOCB 2354.25 C 2321.44 D 2321.44Baring European GrowthB 351.18 C 281.29 D 281.29N LUC003S Dec 98V 10/7/99W 11/7/99c 10:42:04 amk 11/7/99n 69.89r Dec 98 274 BOCB 2354.25 C 2321.44 D 2321.44.29N LUC003S Dec 98V 10/7/99W 11/7/99c 10:42:04 amk 11/7/99n 69.89r Dec 98 274 BOCB 2354.25 C 2321.44 D 2321.44LUC003S Dec 98V 10/7/99W 11/7/99c 10:42:04 amk 11/7/99n 69.89r Dec 98 274 BOCB 2354.25 C 2321.44 D 2321.4418 C 281.29 D 281.29N LUC003S Dec 98V 10/7/99W 11/7/99c 10:42:04 amk 11/7/99n 69.89r Dec 98 274 BOCB 2354.25 C 2321.44 D 2321.4425 C 2321.44 D 2321.44 L1 Allowable losses of the year Hax Manager K Taper Rate - most likely 100% Hax Manager J Enter if business asset Hax Manager J Enter if business asset Hax Manager H Relief claimed A"L2 Income losses set against gains A"L2 Income losses set against gains years K Taper Rate - most likely 100% Relief descriptionB Acquisition MonthB Default DateB Total N to 8.3B Total I loss to 8.1B Total I profit to 8.1B Total L2 profit to 8.5B Total L3 profit to 8.6B Total L1B Total MB CRPTH FPTHACMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Indexation Factors MSPCA NAMEA Indexation Factors RPTHA Indexation Factors alisA Macintosh HD Indexation Factors }FMP3FMP3 TM Files CMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Indexation Factors .RPTH alis FPTHA.Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99:TM Files:Help file MSPCA NAMEA Help file RPTHA Help file alisA Macintosh HD Help file 3x!FMP3UFSR TM Files .Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99:TM Files:Help file Total Losses Col 4 to box 8.2B Total Net Gain to box 8.3B Losses used in yearB FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA FMRLA SORTA CG Details to ClientsC Self JoinD C_Index reverseE CG to Indexation ndexation Closing CG Details to ClientsC Self JoinD C_Index reverseE CG to IndexationF CG Indexation Closing G Disposal Proceeds F month of disposal or Loss LDescription of relief (suggest this be entered under Further information 0 month acquired if after 6 Apr 82 1(Later of acquisition Date or 16 March 98 Entered Data Calculated Data Datalated Datais be entered under Further information ARPTH FPTHAAMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax Manager Help sam001@ alisA alisA FPTH@ FaliA RPTH@ FPTHA alisA alisA alisA alisA alisA NAME@ RPTH@ alisA CGT CB CGT DB CGT OB Value_1982B Value_1982B 8/97V 26/1/99W 26/1/99c 8:04:53 pmk 26/1/99 27/2/99W 27/2/99c 9:03:40 pmk 27/2/99r /1/99 /1/99 bar001P 23413.7117202268R 1/4/88S 1/8/97T 105.8U 158.5V 26/1/99W 26/1/99X 35854c 8:04:53 pmk 26/1/99 M Gains after losses Hax Manager LossJ ProfitK Totals to form SA108 6AmInformation for pages CG2 and CG3 This is the computer generated report referred to on page CGN2 of the Notes To Box 8.2x To Box 8.1y To Box 8.5z To Box 8.6{ To Box 8.3 A2I Gains after reliefs but before losses and taper Password Losses used in yearB Pro 3.0F! Pro 3.0 - 4.0M1 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April August September October November December 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 10000 Scottish PowerB 35459.5C 35488.75D 35488.75N TRA001S 10/4/96V 21/1/98W 21/1/98{ 22/6/0032 cottish PowerB 35459.5C 35488.75D 35488.75N TRA001S 10/4/96V 21/1/98W 21/1/98{ 22/6/0032 10000 Scottish PowerB 35459.5C 35488.75D 35488.75N TRA001S 10/4/96V 21/1/98W 21/1/98{ 22/6/0032 0 Scottish PowerB 35459.5C 35488.75D 35488.75N TRA001S 10/4/96V 21/1/98W 21/1/98{ 22/6/0032 21/1/98{ 1/4/0021 10000 Scottish PowerB 35459.5C 35488.75D 35488.75N TRA001S 10/4/96V 21/1/98W 21/1/98{ 22/6/0032 21/1/98W 21/1/98{ 1/4/0021 10000 Scottish PowerB 35459.5C 35488.75D 35488.75N TRA001S 10/4/96V 21/1/98W 21/1/98{ 22/6/0032 /1/98 29.25 29.25 29.25 29.25 A'L3 Unused losses b/f from earlier years Hax Manager es b/f from earlier years Hax Manager Helvetica Geneva Macintosh HD SA108P2_.USR FMP3UFSR TM Files 7Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 98 (SDK):TM Files:SA108P2_.USR David s Computer Macintosh HD David Ross Macintosh HD -RPTH FPTHA-Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index MSPCA NAMEA Index RPTHA ::Index alisA Macintosh HD Index J@6FMP3UFSR Tax Manager 99 Programming -Macintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:Index FPTHAAMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax Manager Help MSPCA NAMEA Tax Manager Help RPTHA Tax Manager Help alisA Macintosh HD Tax Manager Help 3x!FMP3UFSR TM Files AMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Tax Manager Help DRPTH FPTHADMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:SA108 Capital Gains MSPCA NAMEA SA108 Capital Gains RPTHA SA108 Capital Gains alisA Macintosh HD SA108 Capital Gains FMP3UFSR TM Files DMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:SA108 Capital Gains FPTHACMacintosh HD:Tax Manager 99 Programming:TM Files:Indexation Factors MSPCA on Factors Tax Software Personal FMP3FFAM Family Tax Files 4Tax Software:Family Tax 99:Family Tax Files:Personal .iomegaDriverSCSI_0.5 v6.0.2 MSPCA NAMEA Personal